Team Leaderboard


PositionTeamNo. MembersClimbsAvg. Cli/MemMetres
41stSherpas Gonna Sherp111101014300
42ndPUKU ORA111101014300
43rdOld Macs21005013000
44thPill poppers9941012220
45thGo-Figure Tikitiki1492.5712025
46thLegs Miserables8911111830
47thStairs Famz490.52311765
49thProtraffic Whanau1688611440
50thPlanet Sunshine5851711050
51stmighty mouse mob🤙🏽4832110790
52ndMonty’s Minions5771510010
53rdWe KAN do it!375259750
54thThree Rivers97589750
55thKiwi Lumber Gisborne87599750
56thThe Doctors - Te Whare Hapara87199230
57thWomen of Strength569148970
59thHomeschool Heroes365228450
60thWallis rd Walking Club463168190
1 2 3 4 5 6

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